Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Why Energy Therapy?

Our bodies are complicated and amazing machines. They have many internal systems that need checking up on and at times when there are problems those systems need specialized treatment. Medical doctors take care of us physically. Mental Health Doctors care of us in other ways. Energy therapists are just as needed.

Reiki along with Energy Therapy is a safe and effective way to resolve underlying conditions of all sorts from mental, physical, emotional or spiritual related problems. Anyone can benefit from Energy Therapy as long as they are willing to explore and are open to change. All it takes is an open mind and heart, the rest is taken care of by the natural process of balancing the energies in your body. Blocks in your energy system are removed to facilitate your body in its own healing processes.

After treatment many begin to experience increased awareness, more authentic relationships, more compassion toward themselves and others and an increased sense of well-being. Multiple treatments can help ease chronic conditions of both the body and mind. Some continue to see changes weeks after their session. Your life can transform in ways you never thought possible.


  1. The aim of remote or absent healing is to provide an individual a holistic wellness with a natural and gentle style that can go in combination with medicine. It is considered to be an alternative method to medicine even without the presence of the healer or healing from a distance.

    Ilchi Lee Books
