What is Reiki?

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    a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient from their hands, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being.

Reiki is a method of healing that dates back about 2500 years. In the 19th century a man named Dr. Mikao Usui was fascinated by healers in history (Christ & Buddah to name a few) and studied the subject at great length. He developed this modern day approach of using Reiki.

Reiki is a Japanese word in which the first syllable, Rei, means spirit or aura, Ki, means energy or power. Different cultures have different names for this energy; Qi, Shakti, Prana, Life Force, cosmic consciousness, or divine energy. It was 

Reiki works in all levels - spiritual, mental, emotional, & physical. It cleanses on all levels. Chronic cases & physical problems usually take longer to treat, since they have taken longer to manifest in the body. Emotional & acute problems are quicker to move. Reiki is a totally natural and holistic use of energy, in which the energy goes to the level where the problem exists in the patient. Reiki is an intelligent force. When administered it goes where the body needs it, not just the area that are under the practitioners hands. 

Reiki is learned through initiations, where the student is connected as a conduit of energy by a Reiki Master. The person giving Reiki channels the energy through her body and out of her hands to the person receiving treatment.

During a Reiki session the person receiving the treatment lies down and relaxes. The Practitioner holds her hands over the body at certain points (not touching the body) and allows the energy to flow. The average session takes 45 minutes.

Reiki balances the energies in your body, thereby enabling your body to function at its highest capacity. It is very relaxing and effective as a means of whole body health.

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